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Dissertation / th�se

La production organis�e de l'ordre. Contr�ler des gares et des centres commerciaux � Lyon et � Milan

(English title: The organized production of order. Controlling railway stations and shopping centers)

Prix Gabriel Tarde / Gabriel Tarde Award 2007 from the French Society of Criminology for Best dissertation
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Dissertation defended on January 20th, 2006, at Sciences Po (Paris) before :

  Ota de Leonardis, Universit� di Milano-Bicocca (co-advisor)
  Fran�ois Dubet, EHESS et Universit� de Bordeaux-2 (referee)
  Yves Grafmeyer, Lyon-2 (referee)
  Hugues Lagrange, Sciences Po, CNRS-Observatoire Sociologique du Changement
  Patrick Le Gal�s, Sciences Po, CNRS-Cevipof (co-advisor)
  Enzo Mingione, Universit� di Milano-Bicocca (prsident of the committee)

Mention Tr�s honorable et f�licitations du jury � l'unanimit� / Best distinction